Title: "The Consummate Thief" Author:luvvycat Characters: Jack Sparrow, Pintel & Ragetti Rating: PG13 BPS Prompt(s): Disgust, Contest and Pilfer potc100 Prompt: Dawn Word count: 100 Disclaimer: PotC is Disney's, not mine. *sniff*
Title: "Damsels in This Dress" Author:luvvycat Characters: Pintel & Ragetti Rating: PG Prompt: Damsel Word count: 100 Disclaimer: PotC is Disney's, not mine. *sniff*
Title: "The Perfect Gift" Author:luvvycat Characters: Pintel & Ragetti Rating: G Prompt(s): Eye at BPS; Yuletide at potc100 Word count: 100 Disclaimer: PotC is Disney's, not mine. *sniff*
Title: "Quarterdeck" Author:luvvycat Characters: Pintel & Ragetti, Jack Sparrow Rating: G Prompt: Quarter Word count: 100 Disclaimer: PotC is Disney's, not mine. *sniff*
Title: "Last Straw" Author:luvvycat Characters: Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa, crew of the Black Pearl Rating: PG Prompt: Pun Word count: 100 Disclaimer: PotC is Disney's, not mine. *sniff* Summary: Read on, and discover the real reason for the mutiny... ;-)
Title: "Etty-kett" Author: luvvycat Characters: Pintel/Ragetti Rating: PG Prompt: Etiquette Word count: 100 Disclaimer: PotC is Disney's, not mine. *sniff* A/N: My very first drabble! WooHoo!